LAX Worker Spotlight: Julie Asuncion
Julie Asuncion, LAX service worker and BSP Peer Trainer
Julie Asuncion was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. Growing up in a family of 11, her parents were strict but loving and they instilled academic values in each of their nine children, which Julie attributes to making her the person she is today.
Julie began her participation in BSP programming in 2017 by attending the Emergency Preparedness and Response Training Program for LAX airport workers. In 2018, Julie was accepted to participate in the Peer Trainer Program.
As a BSP Peer Trainer, she is a mentor during the on-the-job training. Julie has served a critical role by training fellow program participants in BSP’s comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Training (EPT) curriculum.
Julie has participated in the EPT program annually since 2017, and has engaged with programs each year as a Peer Trainer. She has become an advocate for BSP programming with her coworkers and has taken an active role during EPT classes to ensure that the training is as beneficial to participants as possible. The initiative and positivity that Julie brings to BSP programming and participants has been a huge asset to the team.
“I was excited to gain new experiences and help co-workers during the training sessions for fellow LAX colleagues. I like sharing what I know and applying what I have learned,” said Julie. “Learning is a continuous process.”
Looking back at her life, Julie recognizes that at a young age, she aspired to complete the highest education possible and get a good job. She finished her primary schooling in the Philippines, eventually going on to get a university degree, receiving a B.A. in banking and finance. Her degree has helped her have a wide-range of career experiences, including positions at a bank, holding firm, and as a secretary at a law firm.
Julie has also worked in several customer service positions, and in 2015 a friend recommended she apply for a position with G2 Secure Staff at LAX, which led her to the work she enjoys today as an airport service worker.
Julie was hired on as a Passenger Service Agent and has also held positions as a wheelchair attendant, unaccompanied minors coordinator, and also customer service positions at LAX, which is what she enjoys the most.
“I like working with a lot of people all of the time. I love learning and having fun with customers and co-workers,” said Julie, who believes that her employment at the airport allows her to meet different people everyday and continuously grow.
In 2017 Julie’s husband became ill, which has been difficult for her whole family. Julie remains strong and positive and dedicates her days off to support the health of her husband and the welfare of their son.
Amongst all of the challenges at home, Julie is enthusiastic to participate in the LAX Program’s Emergency Preparedness Training Pilot programs and is committed to her involvement in BSP programs. She continues to work as a BSP Peer Trainer, and says she likes knowing that she can be a role model for other workers so that they too, can be Peer Trainers and help mentor others.
The Emergency Preparedness Training programs are a part of BSP’s high-road programs. These are part of the California Workforce Development Board’s High Road Training Partnership, which is funded through California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health, and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.